Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 3: CDPD3.iso
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Eaters V1.0
(C) by Guido Wegener 19.5.1990
Eisenacher Str. 2
5300 Bonn 1
West Germany
This program is Freeware and may be copied as long as this .doc-file is
included and no profit is made by distributing.
You may use parts of this program if you mention the author.
In the early days of the world, when my AMIGA was new and my knowledge
small, I found a listing in a computer magazine. The prg was called
something like 'Flöhe'. Sitting in school yesterday, I remembered the
prg and thought about it and I realized a way to make it better.
After programming it, I looked at it and thought again. And again
I realized something : The old proggy looked the same !
Now I have to face it : I've written a proggy that looks just
like another proggy. What a useless labour !
Let's look at the program itself :
It placec a number of creatures called Eaters on the screen.
These Eaters are hungry and live on white dots.
If one of them is near a white dot, it moves on top of it eats it
and places black droppings on the spot. If there is no white dot
near, it moves randomly.
How to start the proggy :
Click the Eaters icon on the WorkBench.
Eaters will start with a default number of Eaters.
Type run Eaters <n> in the CLI.
This will start Eaters with n Eaters.
Type run Eaters in the CLI.
This will start Eaters with default number of creatures
and print out a small how-to-use-message.
What I noticed just now :
Martin Mohr seems to be one of our members, but he hasn't coded one
proggy for the PD-disks. It seems that he only programs prototypes
of virusses (or viri) and the like. He seems to be good and assiduous,
but I've never seen any product of him.
CLUSTER is a legal programming formation mainly working on Amiga, coding
Freeware (and perhaps some commercial programs later).
CLUSTER was founded on January 1989 with the following members:
André Wichmann, Guido Wegener, Martin Rosenkranz, Martin Baumann, Philipp
Witkop, Stefan Kaspari, Stefan Lietzow and Giang Nguyen.
Then we reduced our members to the best and got a new programmer.
Now, on 19.5.1990, we have the following members:
André Wichmann Coding
Guido Wegener Coding
Martin Mohr Coding
Martin Rosenkranz Graphics
Philipp Witkop Digitizing
If you want to contact any member of CLUSTER (legal !!!) then write to
our address:
André Wichmann
Posener Weg 4
5300 Bonn 1
West Germany
André will give the letter to the addressed member.
Send errors, corrections, supporting ideas, criticism, enthusiastic fan-
letters and money to the author: Guido Wegener
Eisenacher Str. 2
5300 Bonn 1
West Germany